Liquidity Takers
Who are Liquidity Takers
Liquidity Takers make use of OpusDigital's liquidity to enter trades of various types. In the first phase, OpusDigital deals with FX and Crypto Options and Spot trading. As the protocol matures, new assets will be available for trading.
The choice of the term "Liquidity Takers" comes from the fact that, in order for a Trade to be executed, part of the liquidity must be allocated (or "Taken") for this. Let's say, as an example, a trader enters an FX call Option on the EURUSD pair. The current spot is 1.2$/€, the option strike is 1.1$/€, and the notional of the option is 1,000,000€. Once the trader has paid the premium for this trade, some liquidity is used to hedge against market moves, and is therefore allocated to this trade. Notice that it's not necessary to allocate the full notional: just the amount sufficient to transfer the payoff to the trader. In this particular scenario, the option payoff would be 100,000$, thus a collateralization of at least 100,000$ / 1.2$/€ = 83,333.33€ is required.
On the other side, the trade will be hedged by purchasing, say 400,000€ from the spot market. In order to perform this, another (or the same) liquidity taker must use some of the protocol liquidity.
Liquidity Takers can be either human users or algorithms. In the first phase, the algorithmic trading process is owned by Opus. As the protocol matures, external venues will be onboarded, expanding the network.
What we offer to LTs
Possibility of high returns and the best prices in the market.
A vast choice of financial instruments to fulfill any trading strategy.
A top-notch trading platform supporting stop losses, take profits, alerts for margin calls etc...
Professional charts supporting technical indicators, simulations etc...
The LT Dashboard
The Dashboard provided to the LT has the following features:
An overall view of all the open positions, with global and split P&L.
A trade modal to insert the order and get a complete view of the deal, the fees, the trade type etc.
An in depth view of the assets they can trade, with historical charts, documentation, main uses, risks etc.
A fee overview in which the trader can keep track of all the fees owed.
A section for automated trading and social trading with the most advanced trading bots.
Last updated