Risk Managers

Who are Risk Managers

Risk Managers are operators which ensures the risk of the global OpusDigital echosystem stays within acceptable boundaries. The first goal of RMs is being sure that all trades from LTs are properly hedged and that they are in line with the current strategy. For example, in a phase of clear bull market, the risk can be moved (until certain limits) towards the long side. The OpusDigital strategy guidelines are published on a regular basis.

What we offer to RMs

  • A fair compensation for their work.

  • Possibility to receive bonuses based on the performance of the protocol.

  • Possibility to become shareholders of the protocol.

The RM Dashboard

Differently from the other Dashboards, this one is publicly visible and it is the same for all users. It contains:

  • A complete view of all the portfolios managed by OpusDigital, with their P&L, PV, risk, trade types, counterparties, obligations etc...

  • A form to join the OpusDigital RM network

  • The list of the current model parameters used to validate risks.

Last updated